Diana Del Toro will speak about the Limits of Tolerance.
Author: admin
February 19, 2017
Diana Del Toro will speak on the topic of Empowerment.
February 12, 2017
Dr Ross Quinn will lead the service. His sermon is inspired by the slogan “Make America Nice Again.”
January 29, 2017
Diana Del Toro will discuss impermanence and change.
January 22, 2017
Rev Jim Dallas will lead the service. The title of his sermon is “Thank God for a Liberal Faith.”
January 15, 2017
Rev Lee Marie Sanchez will speak about courage–why, when and from whom we gather courage.
January 8, 2017
Drawing from his experience as a physician, Dr. Ross Quinn will talk about miracles and hope.
January 1, 2017
Diana Del Toro will lead a New Year service.
December 18, 2016
Rev Jim Dallas will interpret the Christmas story.
December 4, 2016
Are Unitarian Universalists a “People of Faith?” asks Rev. Lee Marie Sanchez. Her answer is, yes.
Experiences of awe, wonder and mystery, tell me, yes. As well as
times when I am overwhelmed and want to feel that I am inadequate
in the face my life’s journey, I say, yes. Traditionally, UU’s have held
their faith up to Reason, Love, Doubt and the Imagination. If this is
intriguing to you, we want to welcome you and welcome you home.
Come and join us and be sure to invite your friends and family.