November 4, 2018

 Rev. Lee Marie Sanchez will lead the service. The title of her service is “Principled.” What do Unitarian Universalists believe? We have no dogma or creed to which one needs to sign on to become a Member. We do have our Principles, which have developed over years, and may be broadly interpreted, as guidelines to how we experience our faith tradition. This sermon will begin a series in which we will discover the history of how our Principles came to be, how we understand them and how we may apply them to our lives. Perhaps this lively exploration, through story, song and more,  will make it easier for each of us to answer, in our own way, “What do UU’s believe?”

September 23, 2018

Diana Del Toro will speak about 19th century Unitarian minister Theodore Parker and the right of conscience. What role does conscience play in social action. Can we rely on conscience alone? How would Parker view today’s society?

September 9, 2018

We will watch and discuss a “Through the Wormhole” episode about lying. The episode includes information and speculation about pathological liars, sense perception and reality, and false memories.

August 26, 2018

Rev Lee Marie Sanchez will discuss what UUs mean by “being saved.” She says, “For many being saved is central to their faith and it has a very specific meaning. For others, and particularly for us as Unitarian Universalists, this idea has changed significantly over the centuries. We shall look back into our history to see how this idea has evolved. Then we’ll look forward to see what its meaning is for us today.