Sunday, March 22, 2015

We will share our spiritual journeys. How have your philosophical or religious beliefs (or nonbeliefs) changed over the course of your lifetime? We will learn from one another as we continue our individual spiritual journeys. The topic will be “Spirituality.” What does this mean to you? What situations or circumstances give you the feeling of spirituality?

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

Rev Lee Marie Sanchez will lead the service. This is how she describes her topic: “You Are Loved, Right Here, Right Now.” This is a phrase that I use almost every time that I preach, as I really do believe it. But, I think it deserves some explanation. I will expand a bit on this from the point of view of our 2nd less well known, U, Universalism.

A potluck lunch will follow the service.

Sunday, March 8th, 2015

Diana Del Toro will lead the service. The topic will be “Loss and Grief.” If you wish, you can bring pictures or descriptions of people, pets, things or situations you have lost.

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead this weekend.



In late 2004, a group of concerned liberal minded individuals came together and laid the foundation for the Unitarian Universalist Society of the High Desert. Our congregation is dedicated to support of each attendees personal spiritual needs and journeys. We are also committed to building a community that is open to individuals of all spiritual callings and supporting their spiritual growth.

The UUSHD welcomes all families and all individuals regardless of diversity or definition.

Our Church Services are hosted each Sunday at 10:00 AM.